U.S. Air Force
Fact Sheet
The 7th Bomb Wing is the host unit at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, and is assigned to 8th Air Force at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. The wing is a component of Global Strike Command, headquartered at Barksdale.
The wing is comprised of many units working in unison to execute operations, maintenance, support, and medical functions and is host to 16 associate units. The 7th Bomb Wing's mission is to provide overwhelming long-range strike within hours anywhere in the world. It is also charged with producing combat-ready aircrews in the Air Force's only B-1B formal training unit. Groups assigned to the wing include the 7th Operations Group, the 7th Maintenance Group, the 7th Mission Support Group and the 7th Medical Group. In addition, the wing provides host-unit support for the 317th Airlift Group also stationed here.
7th Operations Group
The 7th Operations Group executes conventional bombing missions directed by proper command authority. It is the Air Force's largest B-1 operations group comprising of 33 B-1 aircraft and more than 395 people assigned to its three squadrons: the 9th Bomb Squadron, 28th Bomb Squadron, and 7th Operations Support Squadron. The 7th OG combines the skill and experience of these units to provide seamless airfield operations to both combat and mobility aircraft, develop aircrew into B-1 combat aviators and provide heavy worldwide firepower at a moment's notice.
The 9th Bomb Squadron maintains aircrew combat readiness to deliver rapid, decisive airpower on a large scale in support of conventional warfare tasks. Squadron experts provide warfighting commanders with the best in operational aircrews and B-1 aircraft. The squadron operates the B-1 aircraft, which is capable of sustained intercontinental missions and worldwide deployment and employment from forward operating locations or home station. The 9th BS is the oldest active bomb squadron in the Air Force, and its most recent combat involvement was during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom's Sentinel and Operation Inherent Resolve. The unit flew 545 combat sorties in support of the war on terrorism during its six month deployment, which ended in 2015.
The 28th Bomb Squadron's primary mission is to provide all B-1 initial qualification, requalification and instructor upgrade training for Air Force Global Strike Command. The squadron determines, evaluates and implements formal training requirements to qualify crewmembers in long-range day and night, all-weather air-to-ground attack missions. Each year, the 28th BS trains more than 100 active duty B-1 crewmembers. The operations support squadron is the backbone of B-1 combat effectiveness and provides critical support to the 317th Airlift Group. The squadron directs wing flight operations, conventional mission planning, airfield management, navigation systems maintenance, aircrew training, exercise scheduling, weapons and tactics standardization, intelligence integration, war plans, deployment support, simulator training, weather support, aircraft data link management, mission planning systems support, air traffic control, and aircrew flight equipment functions.
7th Maintenance Group
The 7th Maintenance Group provides maintenance support to the bomb wing, deployed units and associate units assigned to Dyess. Five units are assigned to the group: 7th Maintenance Operations Squadron, 7th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, 7th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, 7th Component Maintenance Squadron and 7th Munitions Squadron.
The maintenance operations squadron supports the B-1 mission by managing and controlling aircraft maintenance and coordination of support to ensure aircraft availability. The unit also manages the wing's ancillary maintenance training program. It provides scheduling and analysis of maintenance and flying indicators for wing-level decisions on aircraft reliability, ensuring aircraft integrity.
The aircraft maintenance squadron provides on-aircraft maintenance, assuring mission readiness for assigned B-1s to meet local and higher headquarter taskings. The unit manages the aircraft cannibalization program and aircraft inspection programs to keep the B-1 fleet mission ready.
The equipment maintenance squadron provides aircraft maintenance support for B-1, C-130J, transient and special mission aircraft. The unit is responsible for B-1 phase inspections, aircraft parts fabrication and maintenance of aerospace ground equipment on the base.
The component repair squadron performs on- and off-equipment maintenance on the B-1 and C-130J aircraft at Dyess. The squadron is responsible for the F-101 engine regional repair center, performing all major engine repairs for the B-1 fleet. Unit experts repair avionics computer driven flight control, navigation and radar/electronic warfare components. They also maintain all B-1 ejection seats and fuels systems, plus rebuild hydraulic components and overhaul selected electrical components on both airframes.
The munitions squadron provides all munitions support for Dyess' B-1 fleet. The unit is responsible for storing, maintaining, processing and preparing all conventional munitions requirements in support of training and combat warfare tasks. The unit is also responsible for maintaining all weapons release systems.
7th Mission Support Group
Dyess operates much like any city and is home to thousands of people. From family services to construction and security, the 7th Mission Support Group keeps the physical installation and its members performing at peak efficiency, while also preparing and supporting the base for its mobility requirements within the Air Force's expeditionary role. Skilled craftsmen operate a power plant, water plant and wastewater treatment plant. Units meet administrative, educational and communications-computer system requirements for the wing. Other activities include lodging, food service, mortuary affairs, and child development functions.
The squadrons assigned to the mission support group are the 7th Logistics Readiness Squadron, 7th Force Support Squadron, 7th Security Forces Squadron, 7th Communications Squadron, 7th Contracting Squadron and the 7th Civil Engineer Squadron.
The logistics readiness squadron is responsible for home-base logistics support as well as mobility support of deployed forces. The unit is responsible for 28,000 line items worth $947 million, a revolving stock fund of $25 million and a repair cycle inventory of $560 million. They fulfill the base's transportation requirements, managing and maintaining a 541-vehicle fleet for tasks ranging from aircrew transportation to flightline maintenance. The diverse squadron with over 350 personnel has provided over 27 million gallons of jet fuel to hundreds of aircraft and oversees the Wing Deployment process, which includes the air expeditionary force tasking management. It also manages the War Reserve Materiel program, support agreements and Aerial Port operation.
The 7th Force Support Squadron provides more than 21 different activities for the base populace to include: food service, lodging, child care, clubs, skills development, bowling, fitness center, community center, outdoor recreation equipment rental, golf, tennis, barber shop, youth center and mortuary services. The unit manages programs geared toward the health and welfare of the entire base. The squadron is the focal point for military and civilian personnel matters, education services, family support issues and professional military education. The unit also supports military and civilian employees, family members and retirees assigned to or supported by Dyess.
Security forces personnel provide daily protection of the wing's combat operational resources valued in excess of $12.4 billion as well as continuous law enforcement patrol coverage, ensuring the safety of 12,500 personnel daily. The unit maintains a continuous presence throughout multiple geographic commands, supporting Air Force expeditionary global operations and providing $2.1 million in specialty support equipment to ensure peak readiness and response for contingency deployments any place, any time. The squadron also functions as a base and local community support agency, providing services such as resource protection, anti-terrorism support, pass and registration, combat arms and training, armory, investigations, military working dog support and drug abuse resistance education for students.
The communications squadron provides world-class information technology-based customer service for Team Dyess. They provide and support land mobile radios, information systems services including computer network, telephone and mail support, and protection and planning for all communications and information systems. The squadron also provides video teleconferencing support.
The contracting squadron solicits and awards more than 700 contracts worth more than $66 million annually. Unit experts are responsible for handling contracts covering operations and maintenance construction, services, supplies, and environmental contracting for the wing, including all deployed units and forces. The staff also provides emergency contracting operations during global contingency deployments and responds to support combat missions worldwide.
Base civil engineers maintain and repair all base facilities, infrastructure and utilities, conduct disaster and emergency operations preparedness training, fire protection and prevention activities, and manage environmental programs, Explosive Ordnance Disposal capabilities, and comprehensive base planning responsibilities. In addition to operating shops with craftsmen skilled in the building trades and emergency response, the unit is postured to deploy worldwide on short notice with Prime Base Engineer Emergency Force contingency teams, designed to sustain a battlefield environment and perform wartime repair and construction.
7th Medical Group
The 7th Medical Group provides personalized health care through four Patient Centered Medical Home teams staffed by board-certified family practice physicians, flight surgeons, pediatricians, general medical officers, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. The facility boasts specialty clinics for optometry, women's health and mental health. Additional services include behavioral health, immunizations, laboratory, radiology, physical therapy, and pharmacy.
7th Bomb Wing Staff
The 7th Bomb Wing staff includes the wing inspector general's office, command post, plans and programs, judge advocate, public affairs, protocol, antiterrorism, chapel, safety, history, comptroller, equal opportunity, an air park and visitor's center, honor guard, wing administration, community support coordinator, drug demand reduction, sexual assault prevention and response office, foreign object damage office and information protection office.
(Current as of October 2015)
Point of Contact
7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs, 7 Lancer Loop, Ste. 210, Dyess AFB, TX 79607-1960; Commercial: 325-696-4820, DSN: 461-; 7bwpa@dyess.af.mil