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608th Air Operations Center

U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet

608th Air Operations Center, Barksdale AFB, LA


Plan, direct, command, control, monitor and assess long-range strike

missions to deliver operational and strategic effects for U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

and theatre geographic combatant commands.


The 608th Air Operations Center (AOC) is responsible for executing USSTRATCOM’s Air Tasking Cycle through all phases of conflict. It provides the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) assessments of operational-level plans for all bomber sorties departing the air defense identification zone. Additionally, as the COMAFSTRAT-Air / JFACC commander’s primary command and control node, the 608th AOC assures reliable, secure, global communications. It also provides situational awareness of all USSTRATCOM airborne/alert aircraft through all phases of conflict. Other responsibilities include building enduring processes with the geographic combatant commands, other functional AOCs and shaping total force Airmen to be combat, mission-ready anytime, anywhere.

Organization Overview

The 608th AOC is made up of more than 175 active- duty, civilian and contractor positions and has five unique divisions and one squadron that serve critical roles in support of the Joint-Global Strike Operations Center, bomber wings and Air Force Global Strike Command:

Air Communications Squadron (ACOMS)

Manages the AOC weapon system, provides rapid computer network, radio support and conducts cyber maintenance and defense operations.

Air Mobility Division (AMD)

New to the AOC as of January 2019, the Air Mobility Division sprouted under the Combat Plans Division in response to the growing need for a dedicated tanker coordination cell. The AMD coordinates all tanker requirements between USSTRANSCOM, Air Mobility Command and the 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center to support bomber missions globally.   

Combat Plans Division (CPD)

Coordinates, schedules and builds global bomber task force (BTF) missions, deployments and long- range strike.

Combat Operations Division (COD)

COD is the command, control and communications for global bomber missions. COD coordinates with units, worldwide AOCs and Joint forces.

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Division (ISRD)

Provides real-time threat support, all-source environment analysis, target development, and ISR integration for bombers worldwide.

Strategy Division (SRD)

Shapes component commander strategy to meet combatant commander intent and assesses mission effectiveness within USSTRATCOM and combatant commands.

Unit History

On May 14, 2018, the Joint-Global Strike Operations Center (J-GSOC) was activated as part of a need for a 21st Century air operations center. The 608th AOC was re-assigned under the J-GSOC.

Effective June 3, 2008, as part of the re-designation of Eighth Air Force into Eighth Air Force (Air Forces Strategic), the 608th Air Operations Group was re-designated as the 608th Air and Space Operations Center (608th AOC). This re-designation changed the 608th AOG’s assigned subordinate squadrons and converted to a center, with five divisions and an air communications squadron. The 608th became a unit separated from the headquarters staff structure and took on its own organizational flag and readiness reporting responsibilities.

In 2004, an effort was made to develop a Global Strike Air and Space Operations Center reflecting the evolving operational relationship between the Eighth Air Force and USSTRATCOM. This specialized operations center was established by November 2005 providing quick strike options and operational integration of kinetic and non-kinetic effects supporting USSTRATCOM. 

The unit has participated in or supported virtually every contingency deployment since Operation Uphold/Maintain Democracy to Haiti during late 1994 and 1995. The group supported operations against Iraq, including Desert Strike in September of 1996, Desert Thunder/Desert Fox in 1998.  Additionally, in 1999 the unit supported Allied Force, while in 2001 the unit deployed personnel to Noble Eagle for homeland defense and Enduring Freedom against a terrorist regime in Afghanistan. The unit also supported Southern Watch, Northern Watch and Joint Guardian before returning to Southwest Asia in 2003 to fight in Operation Iraqi Freedom.  The unit has also supported major exercises like Blue Flag, Green Flag, Warrior Flag, Global Guardian, Roving Sands, Mighty Thunder, Unified Endeavour, Joint Fleet exercises, Titanium Falcon, Bright Star and several Joint Expeditionary Force Experiments (JEFX). 

On Jan. 1, 1994, Headquarters Air Combat Command activated and assigned the 608th AOG to Eighth Air Force to provide operational and planned expertise to the Eighth Air Force commander. Since its activation, the unit has kept the commander informed about force operations and theater command and control procedures, while conducting deliberate planning activities, identifying joint issues, and running an air operations center.

Emblem Significance

Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations. Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel. The orange background represents the strength of airpower. The sword relates to the emblem of Air Combat Command, the major command that activated the unit January 1, 1994. The lion is taken from the World War II insignia of the VIII Fighter Command, the predecessor of 8th Air Force, parent unit of the 608th AOC.

(Current as of June 2019)

Point of Contact

Eighth Air Force/J-GSOC Public Affairs Office; 345 Davis Ave West Suite 223; Barksdale AFB, LA 71110; DSN 331-1101 or (318) 529-1101; email: